
Levy will be accepted in Bulgaria until January 31, 2025

Main text

Money is exchanged at the rate of BGN 1.95583 for 1 euro.

We will pay in levs in stores until the end of January 2025. One month after our entry into the eurozone, we will be able to pay in levs and euros, and after that only euros will be accepted in shops. These are some of the practical issues that will receive more attention in the coming months. The European Commission in Bulgaria has announced that it is launching the "#FortheEuro in a nutshell" campaign, which will provide citizens with practical information about the process of joining the euro area and answers to the most frequently asked questions about the euro.

Currently, the purpose set by the Bulgarian government and the BNB is to introduce the euro "as soon as possible, but no later than January 1, 2025."

The conversion of salaries and prices will be recalculated using all five decimal places of the exchange rate, and the amount will be rounded to the second place. A mathematical rounding rule will be used - when the third decimal place is less than five, the second decimal place remains unchanged, and if the third decimal place is equal to or greater than five, the second decimal place is increased by one.

Money in all bank accounts will be automatically converted into euros from the day we enter the eurozone. Thus, people will be able to withdraw only euros from ATMs and bank offices. A month after the Council of the EU decides on the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria, the requirement for mandatory labeling of prices in both levs and euros will come into force. This obligation will be valid for 12 months from the date of introduction of the euro.

From the day of the introduction of the euro, the Bulgarian National Bank will exchange banknotes and coins from lev to euros for free, in an unlimited number and without a time limit, at the official exchange rate of BGN 1.95583. for euros